Woodland Wellbeing - forest sessions for adults
Forest School for adults
Last Saturday, a small group of us had a lovely time at the inaugural forest school session for adults.
We met at the car park in Pollok country park, walked 10 minutes to the forest school site, had a look around, cut a little bit of hazel for our our fire striker handles and got to work making them at the fire 🔥
Here you can see us drilling the handles to put the metal part of the striker inside.
You can also see us using a knife to carve - a couple of us created patterns on the handles by taking away the bark and exposing the white wood underneath.
We also used the nordic slinging weights to weave cord to hold the pieces of the strikers together.
A really lovely few hours in the woods together.
Thanks for coming 💚
Our next adult woodland wellbeing session is Saturday 16th November 1pm-4pm and we'll be learning how to light fires and use natural tinders.