February Break at Glasgow Forest School

Photo of three girls playing with sticks in a forest.

One child loved the bow and arrow we made, especially after we set up a target area, someone else made some charcoal drawings, and once again the hammocks created a safe and reassuring space for all to chill out or swing. Many of us just can't get enough of of the hammocks, they are a firm favourite at all our school holiday events.

In February we spent a couple days exploring the forest school site at Pollok Country Park. Each day of the holidays - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - a group of up to 14 children in head to toe waterproofs and wellies enjoyed a muddy play and discover in Pollok Country Park, Glasgow.

Many of the children enjoyed playing with the sword fighting dolly, practising their defence and attach skills with the spears they made. The sword fighting dolly is three sturdy sticks ties end to end with strong paracord, and hung up in a tree so it is level with the children and touching the ground. It's a little like a tennis ball pole, but less bouncy and since it's articulated, it moves in surprising ways and this allows children (and adults) to test their agility skills and hand-eye coordination in a fun and playful game.

Photo of a boy in a forest holding a homemade bow & arrow

To book your kids in for our next forest session in Glasgow, click the button to see our next available dates.


Skulk of Foxes - Forest School Activity


Try Stick Carving - Forest School Activities