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Why is it only kids get to go to the woods?!

It's not... 

Our vibe here is that forest school is for everyone and we've got quite a bit of experience getting people off their screens and into the woods for a few hours. Why do we do it? Because it’s good for everyone, and we want everyone to get a chance to feel the benefits. 


Whether it's a regular few hours of time to yourself in the woods with an experienced and supportive leader to help you make the most of your time, or your looking for a different workshop to do with a group of friends, read on to find out what we love doing with adult groups




Child-free forest school for adults coming right up...

Forest School for Adults

This year we’ll be running some sessions for adults only in Glasgow city woodlands and the aim is to give people a taste of what it’s like to get into the woods more regularly - what it’s like for your health, mental wellbeing and also to encourage that bit of you that wants to connect with nature. These sessions are called, by some incredible genius, Forest School for Adults, and you can see when they’re on and book them below.


We meet in Pollok Country Park and walk together to the location we will be based at, carrying some of the usual kit we take to forest school. This includes hammocks, ropes for swings, tarps, bit of firewood and whatever tools we need for the session. Each session will have a theme, we'll usually make something with hand tools if you fancy it, and Sophie will bring the resources needed for the session - give her a shout beforehand if you're bringing your own tools. These sessions are designed to be supportive, friendly and fun and are for people who want to do new and different things outside other than walk the dog or drink coffee.


Next sessions are: 

Saturday 26th October, 1pm - 4pm, Fire Strikers 

Saturday 16th November, 1pm - 4pm, Natural Tinders and Making Fire

Saturday 25th Jan, 1pm - 4pm, Whittling and Staying Warm​





Suggested minimum investment is £15 per person, special rates apply if you're bringing a friend or two. Be in touch with Sophie if you'd like to ask about anything. Email her on glasgowforestschools"at"




Sophie loves making things from natural materials and some of the workshops she can deliver - and the things she can teach you to make - are described here. Most of these workshops can be delivered within a half day session, and could be expanded to a full day woodland wellbeing experience if you are looking for something to do with a group of friends - a “zen hen do” for example? 


Sophie mostly delivers these sessions to community groups, but be in touch if you are interested in setting one up. We have delivered these in a few great locations across the city, including cosy indoor settings and some unique indoor/outdoor venues where we can put a fire on.

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